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Cassie Cage Breaking New Ground In Mortal Kombat 11

Cassie Cage: Breaking New Ground in Mortal Kombat 11

The First and Only Dual Narrative Endings

Cassie Cage stands out as the sole character in Mortal Kombat 11 to narrate not one, but two endings. She takes the lead in her Arcade Ending and also provides insight into the Terminator's Ending.

A Versatile Character with a Rich History

As one of the playable fighters in MK11, Cassie Cage boasts a unique blend of her parents' abilities, Johnny Cage and Sonya Blade. Her diverse moveset showcases elements from both iconic characters.

Guide to Cassie Cage's Skills

Visit VideoGamezYO's YouTube channel for an in-depth guide to Cassie Cage's Fatalities, Brutalities, and overall gameplay.

A Daughter with Her Own Legacy

Cassie Cage's status as the daughter of two legendary fighters adds to her depth as a character. Her moveset and motivations reflect her lineage while also establishing her own distinct identity.
