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Federal Reserve Watch Countdown To The Next Fomc Meeting

Federal Reserve Watch: Countdown to the Next FOMC Meeting

Understanding the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)

The FOMC is the policy-making body of the Federal Reserve System. It is responsible for setting interest rates and conducting open market operations, which are purchases and sales of Treasury securities. The FOMC meets eight times a year to review economic and financial conditions and make decisions on monetary policy.

Key Dates to Watch

The next FOMC meeting will be held on June 11-12, 2024. This is a key date for investors, as the FOMC's decisions can impact the financial markets.

The FOMC typically holds eight regularly scheduled meetings per year. The dates of these meetings are announced in advance on the Federal Reserve's website. In addition to these regularly scheduled meetings, the FOMC may also hold special meetings as needed.

CME FedWatch Tool

The CME FedWatch Tool is a popular tool for tracking market expectations for future FOMC rate hikes. The tool provides a real-time estimate of the probability that the FOMC will raise interest rates by a certain amount at its next meeting.

Resources for More Information

For more information on the FOMC and its role in monetary policy, please refer to the following resources:
