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Product Recall Snapchill Canned Coffee Products

Product Recall: Snapchill Canned Coffee Products

Reason for Recall: Potential Botulism Risk

Attention coffee enthusiasts! Snapchill, a renowned coffee company, has announced a voluntary recall of all its canned coffee products due to concerns of potential botulism contamination. This recall, initiated on May 10, 2024, applies to products sold across the United States and Connecticut.

Affected Products

The recall encompasses all varieties of canned coffee products sold by Snapchill. Consumers are advised to refrain from consuming any Snapchill canned coffee products until further notice. The recall affects products with the following identifiers:

  • Recall Number: 016-2024
  • Production Dates: All dates

Health Risks

Botulism is a serious illness caused by a neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Symptoms of botulism can range from nausea, vomiting, and fatigue to paralysis and even death in severe cases. If you experience any symptoms after consuming Snapchill canned coffee products, seek medical attention immediately.

Consumer Action

If you have any Snapchill canned coffee products in your possession, please dispose of them immediately. Do not consume the products and return them to your nearest retail store for a full refund. Additionally, individuals may contact Snapchill directly for further information regarding the recall.


The Snapchill canned coffee recall serves as a reminder of the importance of food safety. Consumers should always be vigilant about potential product recalls and take appropriate action to protect their health. By following these guidelines, we can ensure a safe and enjoyable coffee experience for all.
